Digital Portfolios

How to Access Your Child’s Digital Portfolio

1) Check your email

An email with the subject heading 'Digital Portfolio Access' has been sent to the parent email address shared with the school when enrolling your child. This email contains a link to your child's Digital Portfolio.

2) Create or Log In to your Google Account to View the portfolio 

If you are not using a Gmail account you will need to create a Google Account using your personal email address. Click HERE to create your Google Account. Please use the video to the right to guide you through this process. Once you have created your Google Account please click on the link to your child's Digital Portfolio.

3) Bookmark the Digital Portfolio website link

Bookmark your child's digital portfolio link for easy access next time.

4) Support

If you are experiencing difficulties accessing your child’s digital portfolio, you can contact our technical support team.

How to create a google account using your existing email.
I need to access my child's portfolio